The Senior Adult Ministry of FBC Lindale is very active in serving senior adults within our church and reaching out to those outside it. The age group is generally 55 years and up.
The Senior Adult committee assists in planning events and activities for the year. Our goal each year is to minister to and serve senior adults in all life situations.
Senior Adult Playday
On the fourth Thursday of each month (except for November and December), Senior Adults of all ages gather in our gymnasium for table games and fellowship. We recognize our seniors’ birthdays and anniversaries for that month, and we pray together for our needs. We finish with a delicious lunch. We meet from 9:30 am-1:00pm.
Events and Trips
We have various events and trips throughout the year such as breakfast out, mystery trips, Senior Adult Conference, Evangelism Conference, and a week-long trip to places like Branson, Nashville, and other fun destinations.
Nursing Homes and Homebound
We minister to our Senior Adults and others that live in the Nursing Homes. Also, we minister to our Homebound that cannot leave their homes. In some cases, we help provide meals and other needs. The heart of our ministry to this group of seniors is expressed through loving fellowship and acts of service.